Member Discussions

Space for network members to start discussions, share ideas and resources, and/or raise questions.

C Global is looking to build a roster of 10-15 professionals to provide coaching services to approximately 30 Directors in an expanding global company. The following are the parameters for this engagement:

  1. Coaching will be conducted virtually, but we prefer having coaches in the same time zone as the Directors for ease of scheduling (New York, London, Tel-Aviv and Hong Kong).
  2. Coaches will conduct ten 60-minute sessions over the course of 5 months, except for the first session which will be 90-minutes.
  3. Coaches will also be expected to attend monthly two-hour group supervision sessions with a certified coach-supervisor to enhance alignment in the roster,cross-pollinate learnings and explore themes. 
  4. Coaches will also be required to attend an orientation and closing webinar at the start and end of the engagement. The engagement is scheduled to launch end of January 2019.
  5. Finally, coaches will be asked to complete a short survey to collect themes about their coaching engagements.

If you have at least 5 years of experience working as a coach, please send a resume and cover letter to Drs. Sandra Hayes and Yaron Prywes are leading this project. Please be sure to note:

  1. Your experience coaching Directors or other high-potential employees
  2. The number of coaching hours / engagements you have conducted over the past 1 year
  3. Where / when you received your training / certification as a coach, as well as any coaching specialties you possess (i.e., I’ve coached 10 high potential leaders in managing the transition from individual contributor to first-time manager, I’ve coached a dozen clients in managing their ambition and developing their diplomacy skills, I’ve coached half-dozen Asians working in an American technology company)
  4. Your experience with receiving coaching supervision for your coaching practice
  5. Your bandwidth – can you take on two or more clients for this engagement?
  6. Your location and time-zones you are able to coach

Pay for this engagement is still be finalized but will likely be approximately $5K per Director coached.

The deadlineto apply is Friday November 23, 2018


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“A community of practice for executive and organizational coaching in the context of the Columbia University Coaching Foundations.”
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