Space for network members to start discussions, share ideas and resources, and/or raise questions.
Join us January 31 & February 1, 2019 for the next Team Diagnostic Survey + 6 Conditions for Team Effectiveness Certification Workshop in New York City!
This highly experiential and dynamic 2-day in-person workshop brings together a cohort of skilled practitioners for the purpose of deepening the repertoire of team interventions to put the 6 Conditions for Team Effectiveness in place for any kind of team. Built around hands on practice, the Advanced Practitioner Certification course puts participants in the role of team coach or consultant in real time, to sharpen approaches to processing Team Diagnostic Survey feedback with leaders and teams, and developing timing, sequencing, and interdependence of team interventions. Enrolling in the Advanced Practitioner Certification includes access to:
- 2-Day Hands-on Training Workshop
- Online Foundational Practitioner Certification Course: 6 Video-Based Modules
- 1 Starter Team Diagnostic Survey
- Team Tools Intervention Library
- Team Diagnostic Survey Account for Administering Surveys
- Bi-Monthly Group Coaching Calls
- Members-only LinkedIn Group
- Level 1 Upgrade Discount
This program is suitable for new as well as experienced team coaches and facilitators, team leaders as well as learning and development professionals. Hope to see you there! Contact Krister Lowe with any questions:, +1.917.664.0640