Space for network members to start discussions, share ideas and resources, and/or raise questions.
We're on a roll confirming additional session as part of our "Virtural Connection Spaces" series for the Columbia Coaching Learning Community" - Peers Learning and Sharing with Peers - so cool! I'm pleased to announce dates for our 10th session in the series for August 7th, where I'll be co-hosting with Inna Post, yet another 3CP alum focused on "Stress Management Coaching." The dates, times, and pre-registration information below.
Co-Host: Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Faculty Director & Inna Post, 3CP Alum
The Columbia Coaching Certification Program | Global Learning Community Check-in | Take X - a | Friday August 7, 2020 | 9:00 to 10:00 AM Eastern Time U.S.
Registration URL:
Zoom Recording from Morning Session (NOTE: 1st Half only):
The Columbia Coaching Certification Program | Global Learning Community Check-in | Take X - b | Friday August 7, 2020 | 7:00 to 8:00 PM Eastern Time U.S.
Registration URL:
Zoom Recording from Evening Session (NOTE: Recording Started During Polls - missed the virutal check-in):
Session Resources:
Use the link below to download a PDF of Slides...
Final Version With Notes - VCS_Columbia Coaching Community_Session 10_8.7.20_v2.pdf
Use the link below to download the Session Notes (including chat log)...
Virtual Connection Spaces for Columbia Coaching Certification Program_Session 10_8.7.20.docx
Inna Post lead a practical and groundedd useful session where she shared a number of cognitive behavioral approaches to stress managment. There are a nember of rich comments found in the "Session Notes" - feel free to review, share observations and insights, and/or raise additional questions, or contribute additional resources you've found useful via "Commentings" to this post.