August 1
Birthday: August 1 Location: City and Country New York, NY USA
August 1
Location: City and Country
New York, NY USA
Columbia Coaching Certification Program
Professional Affiliation (e.g., employer, organization, etc.)
Teachers College | Department of Organization and Leadership | Columbia University | Associate Professor of Practice
Interests In Executive and Organizational Coaching
My interests in coaching dates back to 1989 while working in a Marketing Personnel Development Role working with Newly Hired Sales Professionals and their Managers. I quickly learned that supporting people to access their talent and potential was more sustainable than simply telling them what to do. I currently embed a coaching approach into my teaching, consulting, and research - where I have the opportunity to transform organizations one leader @ a time!
Orientation/Role: Select One
Formal Coach Education and/or Training
I've learned much about coaching from our coach faculty team members associated with the Columbia Coaching Certification Program. Prior to that, I received former training in sales coaching and counseling related to performance.
You need to be a member of Columbia Coaching Learning Association to add comments!
I'm working from my home office in Brooklyn, New York (USA) on a snowy Thursday morning. A good day to learn about our new "Ning" platform for our coaching learning community.