Space for network members to start discussions, share ideas and resources, and/or raise questions.
Hello dear C-3PO colleagues!! I hope you are all doing great, resuming back to post-pandemic normality.
I write to share a presentation I will be participating in about *Viral change*, an innovative framework developed by Leandro Herrero for sustainable and fast large-scale organizational change.
The presentation will be in Spanish, since it will be Leandro’s first time presenting for Latinamerica (hence the intro and flyer in Spanish) so, any interested fellow English speakers will have to google Leandro’s books, youtube videos or webinars (if you can stand his strong Spanish accent, you’ll love them).
Please share the following description of the event in Spanish with anyone who might be interested in this topic:
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¡¿Estás cansado de las iniciativas de transformación cultural que terminan en nada?!
¡¿Te convencieron de que el cambio a gran escala es algo costoso, lento y doloroso?!
Si lideras cambios, participas de ellos o simplemente tienes curiosidad sobre nuevas formas de crear el cambio organizacional, no te pierdas esta presentación sobre Viral Change con Leandro Herrero, Melina Jajamovich e Ignacio Etchebarne. Te va a volar la cabeza!!
Inscribirte gratis con este link:
Los primeros 100 participantes podrán participar vía Zoom y hacer preguntas en vivo a la mesa redonda.